CatSNIP Sponsorship


Did you know that by spaying and neutering just one male and female cat you can help prevent over 2,000 kittens from being born over a span of 4 years?
We will do the leg work! Can you help us cover the bills?

*if you would like to sponsor a Spay/Neuter Surgery every month, please visit our RePURRing CatSNIP page.

Spay/Neuter One Cat

2 cats (one unspayed female and her mate) can become a colony of 67 cats in just 2 years! Colonies can get out of control SO QUICKLY! Millions of cats are being euthanized each year simply because there aren’t enough homes for all of the cats being born.

Feral or Community Cats are often referred to as “Nobody’s Cat,” but they are really “EVERYbody’s Cats.” Homeless cats haven’t gotten themselves where they are—People did that. And as a whole, we all must take on the responsibility of correcting this problem. We are determined to help community cats receive the care and attention from humans that they rightly deserve. “We won’t sit idly by!” and we hope you won’t either—WE NEED FINANCIAL CARETAKERS!
Colony Caretakers take it upon themselves to care for these lost and forgotten souls and more often than not, the costs of feeding, sheltering, and “snipping” the colony cats falls squarely on the caretakers’ shoulders. Most caretakers just can’t afford to cover all of those costs themselves. So, they are left to choose: feeding or fixing, and keeping the kitties fed becomes their priority (while the colony continues to grow).
By sponsoring a feline CatSNIP spay or neuter surgery, you can play a direct role in controlling the homeless cat crisis!

We will do the leg work! Can you help us cover the bills?
Once sterilized, community cats can live longer and healthier lives [while rocking a tipped ear!]. Don’t worry! Cats won’t be going extinct as a result of these efforts! There will still be plenty of felines looking for furever homes.

*if you would like to sponsor a Spay/Neuter Surgery every month, please visit our RePURRing CatSNIP page.